Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Math and Religion?

I enjoy listening to a radio program called "Speaking of Faith". I like the overall feel of the program. There are discussions about a variety of topics and it is a "judgement free zone". (My words, not theirs) I have learned a little about other faiths and some of the things people are doing in the pursuit of meaning in the modern world. I did not expect something to stimulate my math brain at the same time.

Last Sunday, as I was contemplating getting ready for church, the program came on. I always listen a little to see if the content will be worth the consequences of having to rush to get ready. (It usually is.) I chose to listen to the program in it's entirety. I was intrigued by the content and the discussion.

The show was called, Who Ordered This? New Mysteries of an Expanding Universe.
Astrophysicist Mario Livio works with the Hubble Telescope's findings on phenomena like dark energy and white dwarfs. We explore edges of discovery where scientific advance meets recurrent mystery — questions richer than any of their current answers.

I invite you to visit the Speaking of Faith website and listen in or download the podcast if you like things like fibbonacci numbers, the golden ratio and marveling about the mathematical beauty of our world. The link takes you directly to the story.


This is the link for the discussion blog as well. This is what originally caught my eye. I enjoy thinking about mathematics in nature. Interesting ideas!

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